
2019, Branding, Print, Game, Illustration

Biotica is a work in progress project. It’s a serious game + an hybrid game using augmented reality, about biodiversity in cities. We wanted to create a game to raise awareness among people about the interaction between the fauna & flora in cities. Players needs to cooperate to instaure a beautiful & useful nature in their cities. The board is modular, and players can choose the tiles they want so each game is different. They will learn a lot about the biodiversity while having fun during the game.

Currently, we created a POC, with a board game, cards, pieces and an Unity app using Vuforia & Adobe XD for the experience. The application has the role of game master & opponent.

We meet a lot of professionals, to gather the right informations about the flora. We made some users play test with an early version of our prototype, during a board game festival. The game will go through many changes and maybe, it won’t be the same in the future.


Croquis game tile
Note d'intention
Croquis carte

The first drawing of Biotica. What i imagined when we discussed about our idea of hybrid game. You can admire my drawing skills.

Here are the concept of Biotica, a board game with modular tiles, cards & an mobile app using augmented reality.

UX Research

Scenario d'usage


Menu - prototype papier
Interaction - prototype papier
Jeu entier - prototype papier

We made everything from paper and cardboard for fast prototyping. This allowed us to conduct some usability test.
Globally, the game was enjoyable, the rules were simple and easy to understand but the users had some hard times to understand every rules because they weren’t clearly explained. We had to equilibrate the cards and tiles.
This was, in reality, the 3rd prototype we made.


Carte ressources
Mockup cartes

The Game

Photo prototype jeu
Photo prototype avec réalité augmentée
Photo grand plan du jeu
Plan rapproché du jeu
Mockup interfaces application du jeu
Livret de règles du jeu