Grimwood Quest

2021, UI, UX

An interview task i made for Cyanide Studio.

Based on the informations provided, i had to create a non-blocking interface. The genre is action-aventure in a heroic fantasy world, mature, dark, with a play of light and shadow in cold tones. The target audience would be the adults core/hardcore gamers.

The screens should display:

– the materials and their quantity,

– the recipes,

– a description of the selected recipe,

– 4 inventory slots from the player with their content.

[The name and logo are fictional and made only for a presentation purpose.]


Final Mockup

Mockup final


Wireframe V1
Wireframe V2


Ambre Icon
Bois Icon
Dagger Icon
Grenade Ambre Icon
Grenade Explosive Icon
Grenade Poix Icon